Chat Web App

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Aug 22, 2022

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Our chat web product is built on Node.js, which provides a scalable and high-performance environment for real-time applications. The source code is fully customizable, giving you complete control over the user interface and user experience. With our product, you can easily add new features or modify existing ones, making it the perfect solution for your web app needs.

One of the key features of our chat web product is the ability to sign up and log in with a PIN. This provides an added layer of security and ensures that only authorized users can access the chat app. Once logged in, users can engage in real-time chat with other users, making it easy to communicate and collaborate.

In addition to real-time chat, our product also supports real-time file sharing. This feature is especially useful for teams that need to share documents, images, or other types of files. With our product, you can easily drag and drop files into the chat window, and they will be instantly shared with other users.

The source code for our chat web product includes a SocketServer folder that contains the Node.js SocketServer. You can start the server by navigating to the chat_server folder and typing "node index.js" on CMD. However, you will need to have Node and Node Package Manager (NPM) installed for it to work. The PHP backend is located in the ChatServer folder, which you can move to your Apache Server Folder htdocs (XAMPP, LAMPP, etc.).

Our chat web product is easy and fun to use, and it is the perfect solution for any web app that requires real-time messaging and file sharing. With our customizable source code, you can easily tailor the chat app to your specific needs and requirements, making it a valuable asset for your web app development efforts.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable and scalable chat web product that can be integrated into any web app or used as an individual project, you have come to the right place. Our product is built on Node.js, fully customizable, and includes all the features you need to support real-time messaging and file sharing. With our product, you can take your web app to the next level and provide your users with an exceptional chat experience.

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  • 📁 Chat Web App

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